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Engadget reports about a new device that can help you locate you golf ball. I am skeptical, but if it works it should save me a lot of time. The problem is that on my golf course there are a lot of ‘lost’ balls so it is still difficult to identify which one is yours.
When I was doing a lot of web programming it was essential to preload mouseover images using JavaScript. Specere Software reports that the same can be achieved with CSS.
Unreal 2007 gameplay footage looks awesome, I will never own a computer that can render this game at more than one frame per second so I have to rely on these awesome videos (video 1, video 2) to drool over.
Students at the Technical University of Delft in The Netherlands have created the largest 3D screen in the world.
Saatchi & Saatchi are doing a cool marketing campaign for a coffee company using steaming manhole covers in New York.
Using the new Intel based Apple Macs and virtualisation software it is now possible to run mutiple different operating systems simultaneously in full screen mode. PCs have been able to do this for years, but the cool 3D flipping effect in this video puts the icing on the cake.

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